QEEG Brain Mapping Shows Improved Efficiency in Brain Functions Using Shuzi's Nano Vibrational Technology (NVT)
This study was conducted by Pat Benfield, MHDL, CRT, CBIS‐CI, CCAA, Clinical Director and qEEG NeuroPsychoPhysiology Clinician, at Benfield & Podger Associates, a private clinic that specializes in the treatment of brain injury and other neurophysiological and stress related disorders in Hickory, NC. (March 2013)
The study utilized 11 subjects to quantify the effects of Shuzi's Nano Vibrational Technology (NVT) on the human brain after an interval of 30 minutes and 7+ days by utilizing a scientifically accepted methodology of brainwave testing called Quantitative Electroencephalogram (qEEG). An EEG is the recording of electrical activity along the scalp utilizing sensors attached to one's head. The "q" in qEEG represents "quantitative" and is a technique used to neurometrically extend the analysis of a traditional EEG. A qEEG utilizes the raw EEG data by converting the data into digital signals. These digital signals are compared to a database of thousands of normalized subjects with the intention of isolating patterns. qEEG test results are completely objective as the results are driven by software calculations and are not open to subjective interpretations.
The results of testing show that Shuzi's Nano Vibrational Technology (NVT) had an average improvement in emotional efficiency of 17.0% (eyes closed) and in cognitive efficiency of 22.3% (eyes opened) after 30 minutes. These averages increased to 20.8% (eyes closed) and 26.9% (eyes opened) after wearing Shuzi's NVT for seven days or more.
To measure the effects of Shuzi's Nano Vibrational Technology (NVT) on the human brain by utilizing generally accepted scientific methodologies and testing protocols.
The human body is a complex system which works best when all the systems are working together in harmony, with the brain controlling and coordinating the functions of all systems. Furthermore, stress originates from the brain and the key to efficiently and effectively handle stress lies in the ability to self regulate one's cognitive, mental and physiological states throughout each day.
Growing amounts of research show that the effects of stress interfere with the natural balance of the human body. When a natural healthy balance among these systems cannot be maintained, states of "dis‐ease" will become evident.
In a review of the scientific literature on the relationship between stress and disease, Carnegie Mellon University Sheldon Cohen, PhD, has found that stress is a contributing factor in human disease, and in particular depression, cardiovascular disease and HIV/AIDS. Cohen's findings will be published in the Oct. 10, 2013 issue of the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA). The article was co‐authored by Denise Janicki‐Deverts of Carnegie Mellon and Gregory E. Miller of the University of British Columbia.
In fact, "…stress is one of the major factors contributing to chronic disorders…" (Decker et al, 1996; Lawrence & Kim, 2000).
"Chronic stress may lead to and accelerate Alzheimer's Disease…", according to a study recently completed by Dr. Sara Bengtsson from Umeå University, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Clinical Sciences, Obstetrics and Gynaecology, 2013 (UNC).
The following information is intended to provide a high level explanation to provide clarity with the scientific terms and is essential to understanding the rationale regarding the specific procedures used in testing Shuzi's Nano Vibrational Technology and conclusions.
What is a Quantitative Electroencephalogram (qEEG) Brain Map?:
qEEG is a scientifically established methodology measuring and digitally recording electrical activity patterns produced within the brain which primarily reflect cortical electrical activity or "brainwaves." (Nuwer, 1997) (at p. 278).
For reference, an EEG is the recording of electrical activity along the scalp utilizing sensors attached to one's head. The "q" in qEEG represents "quantitative" and is a technique used to extend neurometrically the analysis of a traditional EEG. A qEEG utilizes the raw EEG data by converting the data into digital signals. These digital signals are compared to a database with the intention of isolating patterns, which are then turned into a visual mapping sometimes referred to as "brain map".
Brain maps are complex mathematical analyses and statistical tools comparing recorded results to norms or averages. The norms are based upon thousands of individuals without any known neurological, developmental, or psychiatric disorders. On the surface, brain maps can provide information relating to difficulties in daily life functioning such as problems with attention, anxiety, mood, learning, or behavior. Further, brain maps help to identify variations in brain functions that have been associated with psycho‐neurological disorders such as:
Types of Brain Waves:
Brainwaves occur at various frequencies. Some are fast and some are quite slow. The classic names of these EEG bands are Delta, Theta, Alpha, Beta, and Gamma.
Image of Band
Brainwave Frequency Cycles per second
Mental State and Associated Processes
0.1 - 4.0 Hz
Deep Sleep, no dreams, physical healing and recuperation, healing of the limbic system, may positively improve symptons of PTSD, empathy. Believed to help with inner growth, wisdom and recovery from trauma.
4.0 - 8.0 Hz
Transition to sleep, dream state, creative inspirations, hypnogogic state, enhanced visualization, ceep meditation, sleep spindles, deep relaxation, Inner peace and sense of well being, long term memory. Believed to increase inner wisdom, enhanced intuition, reduce stress and transformational help for limiting beliefs. May negatively affect attention disorders such as ADD & ADHD.
8.0 - 12.0 Hz
Associated with lighter meditative states, associated with super learning. More relaxed. Relaxed yet alert but not necessarily engaged in active processing. Ready to respond, positive thinking, creative problem solving. Mood elevations, stress reduction, enhanced creativity, bridges the conscious with the unconcious mind, better access to resources involved in creativity, can be a source of motivation and inspiration. Good healthy alpha production promotes mental resourcefullness.
12.0 - 30.0 Hz
Wide awake - sensory motor awareness. Focused and alert, analytical thinking, learning new information quickly, complex mental processing. Usually associated with peak mental and physical performance. Also associated with stress and anxiety. Can be used to enhance the absorption and processing of new information. Beta activity is fast activity. It has a frequency of 13 and greater Hz. It reflects desynchronised active brain tissue. It is usually seen on both sides of symmetrical distribution and is most evident frontally.
30.0 - 60 - 90 Hz
Compassion, Empathy, Decision making under stress, higher brain functioning and processes, influences sensory organization processing and integration. Believed to strongly influence the organization an dinterpretation of sensory data. Believed to have a atrong impact on social consciousness and right and wrong. Enhanced self awareness and insight. GAMMA frequencies are found naturally in higher amounts in long term practitioners of various forms of meditation. Believed to enhance the ability to achieve goals. Improves clarity of thought and believed to improve intuition.
Reliability of qEEG/Brain Maps:
Currently (as of March 2013), qEEG is one of the only objective measurement tools for many neurologically based disorders. The reliability of qEEG data has been validated through the identification of specific brain wave patterns or morphology and compared to other medically accepted testing methodologies such as LORETTA, MRI, PET, and CT. Further, the qEEG software has received FDA clearance under section 510 (k) device number K974748 and is currently used in hospitals, clinics and research centers around the world. There is an estimated 16,000 qEEG practitioners in the US alone.
In the last 40 years, over 90,000 qEEG studies are listed in the National Library of Medicine's database that can be accessed at: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/sites/entrez?db=pubmed.
There is an extensive body of peer reviewed literature quantifying the superior reliability (i.e., reproducibility or the ability to repeat a measurement), validity and specificity of qEEG. To date, there have been over 1,400 peerreviewed scientific articles using qEEG as a clinical research tool.
Professional Organizations which endorse the usage of qEEG:
Limitations in qEEG
It is important to understand that a qEEG is not the same as a "clinical EEG" which is used in medical diagnosis to evaluate epilepsy or determine if there is serious brain pathology, such as a tumor. Benfield & Podger Associates does not use qEEG to make a medical diagnosis. We use qEEG to evaluate the manner in which a person's brain functions and to help in developing an appropriate remediation plan to correct, normalize and/or improve abnormal brain functioning and reduce problem cognitive and emotional symptoms.
qEEG and Shuzi'sNVT
Our bodies are exposed to elements on a daily basis, some are physical and others are mental, but they all have consequences. These consequences can be supportive or degrading to our health and well being. As such, Shuzi's Nano Vibrational Technology (based on quantum physics principles) emits a subtle vibrational energy that resonates from a proprietary metallic chip and is thought to synchronize and be supportive of the natural functions of human body systems.
The purpose of this study is to scientifically measure the effects that Shuzi's NVT has on the human brain and its efficiency to function using qEEG.
The subjects were 11 volunteers (8 females and 3 males) ranging from ages 8 to 67 years. The subjects are divided into two groups:
All subjects completed a Medical History, Physiology Rating Scale, Interactive Symptoms Inventory (ages 16 and up) and the Client Evaluation Checklist. Informed written consent was provided by all subjects before completing questionnaires and undergoing qEEG assessment.
Below are two tables summarizing each individual's profile divided by groups. The top table represents subjects who were not receiving NFB training, while the second group was receiving NFB training during the time they participated in the study.
*Note: The Interactive Self Inventory Test(ISI) is a statistically validated instrument based on social psychological dimensions of behavior, many of which correlate with EEG distribution. Practitioners can have clients fill out the questionnaire and acquire an output graph indicating potential problem areas of social interaction that are contributing to the client's problematic social behavior and which are likely to interfere with the neurofeedback process. We've noted their calculated psychological dimensions as it relates to anxiety and depression just to provide a more complete profile of each subject.
"Avoidant" - Individuals high in avoidance are typically anxious in nature and frequently susceptible to depression.
While it is possible for various medications to affect qEEG readings, the subjects had no changes in medications and continued taking all their medications as usual, with the exception of psycho‐stimulants. Psycho‐stimulants appear to be rapidly metabolized to ritalinic acid and the half‐life* seems to be relatively short. In addition the subjects were also instructed to not drink caffeine or smoke cigarettes for a minimum of 12 hours prior to testing.
*A drug's half‐life is the time it takes for half of a given dose to be eliminated from the body or bloodstream. This value varies considerably between different types of medications, and even different preparations of the same one.
Equipment, Assessment Tools, and Brain Mapping Programs Used:
BrainMaster Atlantis 4x4 Amplifier and MiniQ‐II is the system that was used. The BrainMaster is a clinical quality, FDA ‐registered, EEG training system intended for clinical work and research in EEG biofeedback. It is designed for "production" EEG training.
The BrainMaster MINIQ‐ II (patent pending) is a type of EEG switch device that allows 4 channel EEG to take multiple channel recordings in sequence. It obtained recordings at a sampling rate of 256 Hz. The electrode impedance was maintained at less than 5 k Ω.
Evoked Potential Electro‐Caps was the EEG electrode application technique used. They are made of an elastic spandex‐type fabric with recessed, pure tin electrodes attached to the fabric with tin ear clips. The electrodes on the standard caps are positioned to the International 10‐20 method of electrode placement. Heads were measured to assure proper fitting.
Electro‐Gel that has been specifically formulated for the use with Electro‐Cap products to prevent high electrode impedance and various types of electrode artifacts was applied with a 5cc syringe and a 16g special blunted needle.
The NewMind QEEG Analysis is a comprehensive integrative system for analyzing EEG brain maps. Richard Soutar, Ph. D., a distinguished pioneer in the field of Neurofeedback, developed this system. It is the first report system to provide a wide variety of conveniences for clinicians, such as an At a Glance Report, Automatic Protocol Generation, Metabolic Confound Report, Supplement Recommendations and a Simplified Client Report section for clients to read. This system also offers the ability to compare brain maps identifying the anterograde and retrograde compensatory changes and overall changes in cognitive and emotional efficiency.
Each volunteer followed the procedures below:
Assessment Phase 1
Assessment Phase 2
Explanation of Data Obtained:
The NewMind Brain Mapping System analyzes magnitude, dominant frequency, inter‐hemispheric connectivity, hemispheric asymmetry, and phase of delta, theta, alpha, beta, and high beta brain wave activity in 19 standard locations around the skull. These dimensions were chosen based on clinical relevance and correlation with psychometric and neurocognitive measures, functional MRI (fMRI) research and traditional neurological texts. These findings were compared to normal brainwave patterns of healthy adults and children.
Each row of heads pictured below shows five different brain wave frequency bands beginning with delta, the slowest wave, and progressing to the right with high beta being the fastest brain wave frequency band shown. Understanding of two key indicators is necessary when looking at these comparison maps:
The New Mind Brain Mapping System analyzesthe brain network systems and compares brain maps by showing the cortical reorganization or changes that occur in an effort to achieve the best balance among the networks in order to sustain the most normal or highest level functioning possible. The changes that occur to maintain a balance for the most efficient performance are in the form of anterograde (movement toward normal distribution)and retro grade (movement away from normal distribution) changes.
These are non‐linear adaptations that naturally occur in order to optimize or maximize normal performance, or in the face of brain damage, attempt to maximize performance by using under utilized non‐damaged brain structures.
The percentage of efficiency reported in the data represents the amount of change toward more normalized performance or improved healthy functioning in the emotional and cognitive areas as a result of Shuzi'sNVT.
The complete brain map comparisons (Appendices 1‐4) for one of the subjects not being treated with NFB (CP) are attached to show the original report's format as an example of what was obtained for each subject. CP's reports are being shown in detailed formas a walk‐through explanation ofthe data. The other 11 patients' data was summarized in tabular form.
Subject CP with eyes closed From file: CP_Q_13_0115_13_0115_ec; This testing was performed 30 minutes after wearing Shuzi's NVT and compared to the original baseline measurements (without Shuzi's NVT).(Appendix 1)
After 30 minutes of wearing Shuzi's Nano Vibrational Technology a 14% improvement in emotional functioning can be seen in this particular subject with their eyes closed.
From file: CP_Q_13_0122_13_0115_ec contains CP's test results(eyes closed) after wearing Shuzi's NVT for 7 days.
(Appendix 2)
Report Conclusion: After 7 days of wearing Shuzi NVT, CP's emotional efficiency improved by 36%.
The following shows improvement in cognitive efficiency with eyes open:
From file: CP_Q_13_0115_13_0115_eo (Appendix 3)
After 30 minutes wearing Shuzi NVT, CP's cognitive efficiency improved by 22%.
From file: CP_Q_13_0122_13_0115_eo (Appendix 4) which is the test results (eyes open) after wearing Shuzi's NVT for 7 days.
After 7 days wearing Shuzi NVT, CP's cognitive efficiency improved by 35%.
The testing showed a significant overall movement toward healthy brain activity after wearing the Shuzi NVT for 30 minutes and an even greater improvement toward more healthy brain activity after wearing Shuzi NVT for 7 or more days.
The following table provides the comparison data results for each of the subjects.
QEEG Results Summary (% Increase in Efficiency)
Note: Each testing evaluation (wearing Shuzi NVT after 30 minutes & 7+ days) was compared against the original baseline (without Shuzi's NVT). The percentages increases shown above are representative of the increase compared to the original baseline.
Analysis of Results:
Eleven (11) subjects have been assessed and all 11 subjects showed increase in healthy brainwave patterns for cognitive and emotional functioning (efficiency/normalization) after wearing a Shuzi bracelet for 30 minutes and when retested after 7 or more days.
Through the testing performed, a general trend of improved cognitive and improved emotional efficiency was observed.
The impact of improving the cognitive state is that subjects typically felt better focus and attention, clearer thoughts, more motivated, more ease with problem solving and decision making, improved memory and ease in learning new information, clearer and more precise vision and, generally, less stress as cognitive functioning is correlated to attention, executive functions, memory processing, verbal and visual processing, and math and reading comprehension.
The results of improved emotional efficiency are typically correlated with more stable mood regulation, a general sense of inner calmness, less agitation and irritability, better impulse control, improved anger control, more easily adaptable to change, and a general overall balance which may help to overcome the results of depressive or anxious symptoms.
Below is an example of side by side comparison and explanation of the before and after results of wearing Shuzi's NVT:
Occipital Lobes Region of the Brain
The results above show that the region of the brain labeled O2 improved which is related to the visual cortex.
The visual cortex is comprised of the Occipital lobes which is responsible for:
Additionally, the Occipital lobes play a key role in helping to locate objects in the environment, see colors and recognizes drawings and correctly identify objects, reading, writing, and spelling depend upon an accurate visual field, and some connections extend to the amygdale which correlates with anxiety and depression.
Further, traumatic memories are often accompanied by visual flashbacks and are typically processed in the Occipital lobes. This seems to correlate with reports of improved and more crisp/clear vision.
Frontal Lobes
From the diagram above, there is a noticeable difference noted in the frontal lobes (Fp2, F7, and F8) which are responsible for:
All subjects in this study showed improvements in the frontal lobe areas which are related to attention, memory, social awareness, character, motivation, and planning.
Sensorimotor Cortex C3, Cz and C4
In the above example we noted improvements in the regions of, C3, Cz, and C4 and this subject reported improved sleep, less frequent and intense headaches, and an improved sense of well‐being and inner calmness. This is consistent with key functions of this area which acts as the hub and switching station between voluntary muscles of the body and the brain and helps to encode and orchestrate both physical and mental processes.
This may explain why many subjects reported improved sleep and sports performance and decreased pain.
Subjective Reported Results:
During and after the testing period, the subjects reported various improvements in their daily lives. Below is a record of what was reported. Please note these claims were not substantiated and are merely listed to provide further insight when designing future testing protocols.
Effects of Medicine on Brainwaves & Shuzi's NVT
During these tests variables were minimized with the intention of isolating Shuzi's Nano Vibrational Technology as the only variable.
While it was recorded that subjects on medication had noticeable improvements, the changes documented in subjects without prescription medicine was even greater. This type of observation leads us to believe that the medication was not a contributing factor to the results.
Neurofeedback Group vs. Non‐Neurofeedback Group Results
The NFB group was previously tested with qEEG prior to this study and it was noted that on average the group had a 25‐40% increase in efficiency seen in the initial baseline used for this study, meaning that these subjects exhibited a better "starting point" than the non‐NFB group. Regardless of the better "starting point", the NFB group still showed significant improvement but not as well as the non‐NFB group.
On average, the NFB group's increase in efficiency was about 2.4% less than the average improvement in the non‐NFB group.
The results of this test show that Group 1 (not being treated with NFB) had greater gains in both conditions (eyes open vs. eyes closed) and both time frames (30 minutes vs. 7+ days).
Comparison of Shuzi's NVT to NFB Training:
For those receiving NFB training, the amount of progress expected is 20‐45% improvement after about 20 sessions of training.
Some of the subjects used in this study have a history of receiving NFB training and a qEEG brain map was obtained to analyze progress with NFB Training before Shuzi NVT was introduced. The following chart shows their progress after 20 or more sessions with only NFB (before Shuzi's NVT).
The graph below depicts the average improvement for a subject wearing Shuzi's NVT compared to a subject receiving long‐term NFB training.
Without the benefit of NFB training, Shuzi's NVT results showed on average of 17.0% (eyes closed) and 22.3% (eyes open) in 30 minutes. These averages increased to 20.8% (eyes closed) and 26.9% (eyes open) after seven days or more with Shuzi's NVT.
This qEEG and neuropsychophysiology clinician concluded that Shuzi Nano Vibrational Technology has a significant positive impact on the subjects' brain functions and improvement in healthy brain wave patterns.
This testing performed shows the results after thirty minutes and seven plus days wearing Shuzi's NVT. Shuzi's NVT appears to evoke a state of calm, health‐promoting activity in the brain. The benefits of wearing the Shuzi NVT on a long term basis appears to have a cumulative effect.
As the efficiency of the subjects' cognitive and emotional functioning appears to continue to improve over time suggesting that the effects of Shuzi's NVT have a cumulative effect.
"Many people suffer from stress in their everyday life. While there is a close relationship between stress and mental health, psychological stress (and associated emotions such as anger, anxiety, and depression), interferes with cognitive functioning, and can also have effects on physical health. Indeed, chronic psychological stress can change the responsiveness of central‐peripheral regulatory systems" (Fuchs & Fluegee 1995; Fuchs, Uno, & Fluegge 1995)
Shuzi's NVT contributes to your brain's ability to maintain an efficient, healthy style of function as you go through your day. While, people are able learn methods to better manage psychological and physiological stress (ex. breathing exercises, meditation, etc. ) and enhance performance, however this requires dedication and time to practice for automaticity on these strategies. In comparison, usage of Shuzi's Nano Vibrational Technology only requires the person to wear jewelry embedded with the technology enabling the passive process to achieve the benefits of improved balance, cognitive functioning and emotional functioning. While results vary from person to person, this clinician's testing found Shuzi's NVT to be effective and beneficial in helping to manage and regulate responses to stress, but should not be solely relied upon as the only means of managing stress.
The immediate and accrual benefits of wearing the Shuzi NVT found were significant. As such, the results of this study highly suggest that NVT could promote quicker results and better outcomes when being used in conjunction with trainings and/or treatments.
Appendix 1
Appendix 2
Appendix 3
Appendix 4
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